“Stepney has truly become our faith family with whom we are able to share life. We began attending back in July 2015 and were immediately drawn in by the unity and outpouring of love that we saw and experienced. We are continually encouraged by the hospitality, sincerity and support of the church body here. By being a part of the mid-week Bible studies and the young adults’ fellowship, we have experienced much fruit from studying the Word together and investing in relationships.”
“Stepney Baptist Church has been a blessing from God to our family. It has made a huge impact on each one of us. From Pastor Kevin and Liz Merritt to the oldest and youngest members. The overarching theme is compassion, acceptance and a strong love for God. This is a Bible believing church that goes deep into God’s Word. Our entire family has grown in our faith and there are only two reasons for that – God and Stepney Baptist Church. We immediately felt at home within this church community. Some specific things that have made a huge impact on our family are: VBS, men’s Bible study and all of the fun community events.”
“The first time I attended Stepney Baptist four years ago, the church felt like Home to me. The Friday morning Women’s Bible Study has taught me so much and has changed my life. I know that the Lord led me to this church so I would become closer to Him.”
“From the first day I entered this church, I felt the instant warmth, genuine care, and friendliness of each member. I truly feel this is a good church! It has made an imprint on me, and I have never had a community or church make me feel this way!”
“If you have always wanted to learn more about God’s Word but never had enough time, then visit Stepney Baptist Church one Sunday morning. You will be on your way to learning and understanding what the Scriptures mean. Throughout this past year we have studied several books from the New Testament!”

Paul and Jen’s Story
“Stepney has truly become our faith family with whom we are able to share life. We began attending back in July 2015 and were immediately drawn in by the unity and outpouring of love that we saw and experienced. We are continually encouraged by the hospitality, sincerity and support of the church body here. By being a part of the mid-week Bible studies and the young adults’ fellowship, we have experienced much fruit from studying the Word together and investing in relationships.”

The Reel Family’s Story
“Stepney Baptist Church has been a blessing from God to our family. It has made a huge impact on each one of us. From Pastor Kevin and Liz Merritt to the oldest and youngest members. The overarching theme is compassion, acceptance and a strong love for God. This is a Bible believing church that goes deep into God’s Word. Our entire family has grown in our faith and there are only two reasons for that – God and Stepney Baptist Church. We immediately felt at home within this church community. Some specific things that have made a huge impact on our family are: VBS, men’s Bible study and all of the fun community events.”

Marion’s Story
“The first time I attended Stepney Baptist four years ago, the church felt like Home to me. The Friday morning Women’s Bible Study has taught me so much and has changed my life. I know that the Lord led me to this church so I would become closer to Him.”

Valerie’s Story
“From the first day I entered this church, I felt the instant warmth, genuine care, and friendliness of each member. I truly feel this is a good church! It has made an imprint on me, and I have never had a community or church make me feel this way!”

Jo-Anne’s Story
“If you have always wanted to learn more about God’s Word but never had enough time, then visit Stepney Baptist Church one Sunday morning. You will be on your way to learning and understanding what the Scriptures mean. Throughout this past year we have studied several books from the New Testament!”